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Pear Tree Mead Academy

Pear Tree Mead Academy

School Meals

Snacks and drinks

If your child is in the pre-school, nursery or reception class we ask you for a small contribution each week to cover the cost of snacks and milk.  KS1 children receive free fruit at morning break time. Children are allowed to bring a snack of fruit or vegatables to school to have at break time.  Sweets, crisps and chocolate are not allowed at playtime. Children can bring a clear bottle of water or sugar free squash which they are free to drink at most times during the day.

Children are able to refill bottles with water during the day. Bottles need to go home daily to be cleaned. We cannot be held responsible for doing this. We will refill bottles with water during the day but cannot refill with squash.


ISS have taken over our catering at lunchtime and we are now able to offer a very high standard of hot dinners.  All children in EYFS and KS1 are entitled to a free school dinner due the governments free entitlement.  In KS2 Lunch is £2.25  per day or £11.25 per week.  Please pay for your child’s school dinners via ParentMail.

Some children may be entitled to a Free School Meal,(FSM) please ask in the office for more information if you think your child may qualify.  If you think you may quality for a FSM, please apply even if your child is in EYFS or KS1 or does not wish to receive the meal, as the school receives a Pupil Premium amount of money for each child which helps support these children in our school.

Children may also bring a packed lunch. We encourage healthy lunch boxes and no sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed.  Please support our No Nuts policy.  We have children with life threatening conditions and we ask that you do not put nut products in your child’s lunchbox.

You can see what the children will have during their time at school by clicking below: