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Pear Tree Mead Academy

Pear Tree Mead Academy

Year 5


Please open the following letter from the teacher of the 2024-2025 academic year:

Welcome to Redwood Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class

The attached PowerPoint will give you further information about the year group:

Welcome to Year 5 

To help support the learning that we are doing this term…

Please discuss World War 2 experiences that your family may have had, or stories from that period that grandparents, great-grandparents etc. might have shared. We are learning about the war with a focus on how people dealt with this at the time. There are links to the experiences of these times through Covid in terms of resilience, duty, empathy, sacrifice, changes to how we have to live to keep safe, and so on.

Please share any resources that you might have with the children and if there is anything you have that could be sent in to share in class, that would be great!

Teachers & LSAs

Mrs Ward
UKS2 Learning Support Assistant

Miss Garip
UKS2 Teacher


Mr Thurgood
UKS2 Teacher

Mrs Millward
UKS2 Teacher



How can you help?-


It is incredibly important that by year 5/6, children are very fluent in their times tables. They are the key to successful calculation at this level. Having sat the MTC (Multiplication Times tables Check) in year 4, they should all be ready to apply them with ease in their maths work and in preparation for taking SATs at the end of year 6.

Here are some ideas to help…


It is extremely important for year 5/6 children to read at home to increase their vocabulary and cement their reading comprehension. All pupils have access to Bug Club which they should be reading from when at home, as well as reading from a school library book, whilst in school. Reading for pleasure is extremely important to develop fluency so the children should read regularly. A wider range of texts should be encouraged to include non-fiction works. Newspaper articles, biographies and autobiographies are all text types which will help the children to access the year 5/6 curriculum and aid in their written work for the year. We will hear them read in school, but much of their reading practice should take place at home.


The children will have regular spelling tests to check their progress and prepare them for the spelling test in SATS. Pupils have access to Readiwriter which allows them to practise their weekly spellings, set as part of homework, in a fun way. Here are some fun ways that you can get your child spelling at home…

1) Write them in the air. When they can do it with their normal writing hand, swap to the other hand (this engages both sides of the brain).

2) Write them with your finger on your child’s back, as you say each letter. Then get them to guess what you are spelling. When they are more confident, they can write on your back.

3) Do it in small chunks. If your child is getting bored, cross or stressed, come back to it later. This means that it is best not left to the night before the test.

4) Say them over and over out loud. Encourage the child to repeat after you in a soft/loud/high/low/silly voice. The sillier the better – make them laugh!

5) Get them to teach someone else (younger brother or sister/grandparent). The more people involved in the learning, the higher status it will have.

Use as many of the above as possible. Mix and match and vary it. They include visual, audio and kinaesthetic activities. By varying the learning style, you will be engaging more areas of the child’s brain and they will be more likely to remember the words.

Letters Home - Year 5 Letters & Whole School Letters