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Pear Tree Mead Academy

Pear Tree Mead Academy

Times Tables & Spellings

The teachers have come together to give you all loads of ideas about how to practise your spelling and timetables in a fun way.

How to help you learn your spellings  

 Spelling word memory – pairs game - create doubles of each spelling word, mix them up and lay them all out facing down then try to match the pairs. 

 Stairsteps or pyramid – Write the words as if they are stairs or a pyramid, adding one letter at a time. 






 LCWSC – Using a whiteboard to practise your spelling using LCWSC method.  Look at the word, cover it up, write it down, say the word, check to see if you got it right.  

Messy Play – Practising spellings in sand tray, rice, flour, shaving form etc.  Messy play is a great way to have fun and learn spellings at the same time. 

 Game time – Play a game in the garden.  E.g. football.  Each time you score a goal you have to pick a spelling to call out.   

 Bathtime fun – Try soap pens in the bath, can you write your spellings on the side of the bath. 

 House Hunt – Write out your spellings and place them all over the house.  Stick them to the mirror in the bathroom so you can see them when you are brushing your teeth.  Put them on the fridge door so you can see them when you are having breakfast.  

 Spelling Scribble – Practising spellings using scribbles, draw a pattern on a piece of paper and fill each gap with all of your spellings.  How many times can you fit them into each space in your pattern.

 Rhyming words – how many words can you think of that rhyme with your spellings. 

Word Tally – have a look in your reading book can you spot any of your spellings from this week or a previous week.  Make a tally of each one. 

Alliteration – can you write an alliteration sentence for each of your spellings? 

Dictionary corner – can you use a dictionary to find out the meaning of each of your spellings? 

Sentences – can you write a one long sentence using each of your spellings? 

Story writing – can you write a story and try and use each of your spelling words at least once? 

Letter writing – can you write a letter to your teacher, try and include all your spellings words from this week.  Maybe you could add in some of the words from previous weeks too.   How many will your teacher spot? 

Handwriting Hero – can you write out your spellings in your very best handwriting, now can you write them in the smallest letters or the wiggliest letters?  Can you write your words in different colours or going in different directions across the page? 

Sorting – try and spilt your spellings into two groups – how have you split them?  Its up to you? 

Word search – can you make up your own word search including all the spelling words?  Maybe you could share it with a friend? 

Syllables – can you look and see how many syllables each of your spellings has? 

 Detective – can you write 3 clues for each of your spelling words and then ask someone in your family to try and guess which spelling you are talking about? 

Code breaker – can you make up a secret code for each of your spellings – can anyone solve it?  E.g. numbers for each letter.  



How to help you learn your number bonds or timetables.  

 Times tables – Make times tables book marks for their books they are reading, that way every time you read you see your tables too.  

Card Games – Cut strips of cards and write out the times tables they are currently on – mix them up and pick one at a time to try and solve them.  

 Number splat – Write out all your answers and then with fly swatters, or spray water bottle call out a table or number bond and try and swat or spray the correct answer.  

  Timetables videos – using the Jack Hartman videos online to help you. eg 

 Ball bounce – Practising timetables while bouncing the ball.

Travel Time – Can you practise your timetables as you walk to school or whilst in the car on the way to the shops?  5 mins every day could make a massive difference. 

Voice Recorder – Can you record your timetables onto a voice note on your phone or tablet – then listen to you saying them.  Maybe Mum or Dad or a sibling could record themselves too.  

Times tables activities to try - Carroll Diagrams Multiples ( 

 Number bonds - Draw part-whole models to show the relationships between numbers in number bonds 

 1 min Timer – Practise quick recall of your number bonds or tables.  Can you set a timer and see how many you can say in 1 minute?  

 Card Game – Create your own times table cards and write the answers on the back. Mix up your cards and challenge yourself to answer them correctly. 

 Timetables Chart – can you draw out a 100 square tables chart and see how quickly you can fill it in. 

Guess the table – make a grid and write lots of different numbers in it.  How quickly can you think of a timetable that matches that answer.  

Bingo – can you play bingo with your family with the answers on the bingo boards.  Who will get full house first?  

 Wheel fun – can you make a wheel and complete it for each timetables? This one is already completed.  Try completing a blank one.


Tables tennis –  In this fun game of speed, you serve an imaginary ball by asking your child a tables question; your child returns it by answering a times table question as fast as they can! 

A pack of cards – Carry a pack of cards with you. If you are learning a single table, pick a card and multiply that table by the number on the card. For example, if you are learning the 4 times table and you pull a three of Hearts, you’d work out 3 x 4.