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Pear Tree Mead Academy

Pear Tree Mead Academy



Please open the following letter from the teacher for the 2023-2024 academic year:

The attached PowerPoint will give you further information about the year group:

Some helpful documents:

Teachers & LSAs

Mrs Nash

Learning Support Assistant

Miss Jeffreys

Welfare Assistant

Mrs Tappenden

Pre-School Leader


What Are We Learning?-

When you come to play in Pre-School 

  • You will get messy
  • You will have lots of fun
  • You will explore
  • You will make friends
  • You will learn
  • You will laugh
  • You matter

In Pre-School we follow the EYFS.  Our main focus is the prime areas, which are personal social and emotional development, physical development and communication and language.

We encourage independence, self belief, respect and having an inquisitive mind.

Please name all your child’s belongings.

Reminder:- Snack is £1 per week.

You can view our curriculum newsletter by clicking on the links below.

How can you help?-

  • Please ensure your child has a change of clothes, nappies, wipes and nappy sacks in their bag.
  • Please ensure your child has a bottle of water each day especially now the weather is getting warmer.  Please ensure that sun cream is applied before your child comes to school.  Please remember to supply a named sun hat for your child.
  • Snack money is £1 a week; this contributes to a healthy snack and our cooking activities


Whole School Letters - Pre-School Letters & Whole School Letters