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Pear Tree Mead Academy

Pear Tree Mead Academy

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club runs before school everyday from:

8.00am to 8.45am

Cost Per Day: £3.50

Children who receive Pupil Premium funding can attend Breakfast Club for a small charge (please see the office if you think your child may be entitled).

Children receive a choice of: Cereals, Toast, Yoghurt, Fruit, Milk or Juice.  We are very lucky to have the support of ‘Harlow Food Bank’ who help us to provide free breakfasts for some children at school.

Sometimes we have theme weeks, for example, a ‘French’ week with croissants or perhaps baguettes with cheese.

It’s great because after they’ve eaten, the children can play games, draw and make things too!  The children are able to take part in a range of games, arts, crafts and have the chance to socialise with other children attending the club before school starts.

Finally, they are safely escorted to class for the beginning of the day.

Please speak to the school office for further details.



We work off a “no debt” policy for Breakfast Club. This needs to be paid for at the time of booking. Our club is registered with Ofsted under the school registration number.

 Bookings for breakfast club must be made via the app in advance and can also be paid for using the online payment system and work on a first come first served basis. We have the right to refuse entry to the club if the behaviour and safety of the children is not in line with school policy.

This may be on a short term or permanent basis dependant on the situation.

All children attending breakfast club must complete a registration form prior to attending for the first time. 

Late bookings may not be able to be excepted if we are full and will be at an increased rate if we are able to accommodate it. Cancellations must also be made in line with our conditions, and you may still be charged. If your child is absent on the day the booking can be transferred to another session.

We are unable to accept children into breakfast club after 8.15am.

Health and Safety guidance is followed at all times. Breakfast club staff are trained in safeguarding and first aid procedures. Breakfast club staff handling food also hold food safety hygiene certificates.